How to Encounter a Problem Effectively

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​A problem is a common situation which happens to everyone, and it is able to happen all the time and all the side of your life such as work, finance, love, friendship, or others. We have to adjust ourselves to stay among pressures of a problem calmly, and find a way to solve it carefully. Solutions are the most important part which can make you pass through each problem. You are going to solve a problem easier, if you respectively follow these three steps.
​First of all, you should not force yourself overmuch, and look for gradual solutions consciously. The way you control your emotion is the most important step, because it will make you have the presence of mind to simply see an exit of the problem. In addition, do not accuse yourself as a cause of aproblem since it can lead to a stress. You should forgive all causes of it and change your focus into the solutions. Then, the final part in this step is looking for a remedy of the problem, for it is important equally. You have to analyze the cause of the problem and widely open your perspective. After that, choose the best way which you believe that proper for your problem and can solves it effectively.
​Second step to encounter a problem is spending your free time to do your favorite activities in order to relax yourself. Because the tension is going to harm your health when you force the complicated situation normally, recreations or relaxing activities are the best choices of your life to get rid of the anxiousness. For instance, listening to music or watching movies is the basic recreation which eliminates your tension and make you become more relaxed. Furthermore, another activity which can soothe your pressure is reading your favorite comic books. Then, it will bring your equanimity back and makes you find the way to solve the problem easily.
​Finally, if you cannot solve the problem yet, the last way is finding new inspirations to encourage yourself to move on.The simplest way is talking to someone who you trust and tell him or her about your problem. Sometime, he or she will give you advice which you had never imagined before, so it will create a new point of view in your mind and make you easily solve the problem. Thus, if you have the inspirations, you will get many ideas to solve the problem and make a wise decision.
​To summarize, the most significant procedure to solve the problem is managing your mind first. It means that you have to begin with controlling yourself and use the reasons to solve it slowly. Moreover, you should open your mind to accept that everyone has to confront an obstacle, but every problem has at least an exit assuredly. If you are patient and do not give up, you will find a suitable way which can pass you through.

Kamolrat Toyoday 58030066


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